Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Tulisan Pertama

"A pseudonym is a name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from his or her original (or true) name (orthonym). Pseudonyms are often used to hide an individual's real identity. Some use it to mask their ethnic backgrounds. In business scope, it is used to help sell products or to draw a more positive or less negative reaction from current and/or prospective customers. In some cases, pseudonyms are adopted because they are part of a cultural or organizational tradition. A pseudonym may also be employed for purely philosophical reasons when an individual feels the context and content of the exchange offers no reason, legal or otherwise, to provide their legal or given name."
Thanks to Wikipedia for explaining the definition..:)

As for myself, I use pseudonyms with no particular reason, except "I just don't typically described myself to people who don't know me." It's quoted from Kristen Stewart's line from one of her interview. That line is quite an explanation of why she doesn't interact with people in social media, or why she doesn't have a twitter account, facebook, myspace, or anything.

Sometimes people see me as an introvert person. "Introverts, in contrast, are seen as introspective, quiet and less sociable. They are not necessarily loners but they tend to have a smaller number of friends. Introversion does not describe social discomfort but rather social preference: an introvert may not be shy but may merely prefer fewer social activities." Well, I don't mind being labeled as an introvert. I may be a shy person, but that doesn't mean I alienate myself from society. I do have a twitter and facebook account. However, this blog and my social life in the internet represents my urge to share with people, and to help myself striving to find a meaningful life.

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